- We make projects and installation of electrical traction power chargers in industrial battery room.
- Battery room are fitted with auxiliary devices such as hydrogen sensors, flowmeters in ventilation ducts, etc.
- We provide safety kits with protective clothing and components to neutralize hazardous substances.
- We install demineralisers, barrels for distilled water and water trucks to refill water in batteries; showers and security. eyewash stations
- We provide traction batteries and chargers service of all brands, we are authorized by EnerSys and Benning.
- We measure the resistance of batteries fully documented required by the UDT.
- We train client personnel in the proper handling of traction batteries, chargers and systems BHS systems.
We check the traction chargers, consisting of checking the electrical connections, correctness charging and yearly measure RISO and OPP with full documentation.
Inspections involving checking batteries voltage and electrolyte density allow early detection of weak or damaged cells. In some cases, we check discharge of the battery, allowing more precisely determine the battery status and level of consumption.
Inspections performed at least once a quarter increase the battery life, and the correct handling reduces the cost of repairs.
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